Amazing! The Salt God's Daughter by Ilie Ruby will be a great read any time of the year, but especially in the summer. I knew going into this read that themes included relationships between mothers and daughters, which I usually enjoy. Who among us doesn't have a mother or daughter that they would like to understand better? The legend of the Silkies holds a personal attachment for me.
What is truly unique is how Ruby was able to take growing up, relationships, legends and feminist issues then produce such an entertaining and readable book. I can't wait to discuss this book with members of my book club tonight. We are a group who can and will get to the meat of the story, relate this book to others we have read, and bring personal feeling and experiences into the mix. Since we recently started giving our books a star rating I will wait to post until after we meet.
Is it me or have there been some great books out there to read this summer? More, unfortunately, than I will get through before school picks up next week and my reading slows down a bit. But really, do try to read The Salt God's Daughter as soon as you can. Ruby's debut book, The Language of Trees: A Novel, has great reviews and ratings. I can't believe I missed it, but it is in my Kindle today.
Star Rating: averaged 4.0