Saturday, January 7, 2012

Book Club

Last night was book club which means so much more than a simple notation on a calendar.  What that actually means it that in addition to reading and discussing a wonderful book we enjoy a table full of snacks and the friendship and talk of a group of women. 

One new member joined us last night. Some members whose lives don't allow monthly attendance made it, two of them in one night.  Only one member was absent so it was a large group by our standards, eight people.  We filled our little corner of the library with talk, laughter and friendship.  Maybe that is the whole point.  After all, we could read books then stay at home and read more.

We tried to figure out how long we have been doing this.  I have been with the group as far back as the records go--January 2000.  But I know that one current member was already there the first time I visited in early fall 1999.  Gradually our record keeping has improved and an online book club page helps us to track as well. 

When I drive home from our monthly meetings I marvel at the range of topics a book can bring out.  We bring so much of our life's experiences into our discussion that it almost enhances the book itself.  If you aren't currently in at least one book club I highly recommend trying it out.  Then, stay until you become one of the "old" members.  It will enrich you life and your reading.

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